Don’t miss out on the PSSA Industry Day!
Preparing to finish for Christmas soon? Make sure you book your place on the PSSA industry day before you head out of the office.
The industry day is 31st January 2019 and will be held at Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa, CV32 6RN.
We will be welcoming speakers to give presentations on perimeter protection presentations including:
- Drone threat and securing perimeters from this threat
- CPNI briefing update
- An introduction to C-VAW
- HS2 opportunities
Email to confirm your place. The price for members is £95 (+VAT) and £195 (+VAT) for non members.
There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the day as well as discussions with your industry peers. Lunch will also be included.
Overnight accommodation is available for reservation at £80 +VAT (BB) or £100 +VAT (DBB). Please let us know if you want a room reserving or contact Woodland Grange direct and request the PSSA event rate.
Paul Jeffrey, PSSA Chairman